SCOA Australia WA

SCOA Australia is managed by Federal Office in Canberra.  If you have any questions about any aspects of your membership of SCOA Australia, please contact Anne Willenborg or Peter Hocking on phone 1300 600 996 (cost of a local call), or send them an email to [email protected]

SCOA Australia WA Local Committee

Meetings and events in Western Australia are managed by the SCOA Australia WA Local Committee as follows:

Who How to contact
Peter Illidge
Federal Vice President , Vice President of SCOA Australia, and
Authorised delegate of SCOA Australia in WA.
Mobile 0439 411 890 or
email [email protected]

Upcoming meetings

We are working on having a meeting in Perth some time before Christmas.  Details will be provided here and in the SuperTime Supplement.
You may also contact either Federal Office (see above) or Peter Illidge for details.